August 2018 Newsletter


I am very excited to say that we are officially moving into the last phase of our Airport Improvement Project! Starting on Monday, August 20, crews will be on site to complete the remaining items:  removal and replacement of three access gates, and underground placement of the power lines that cross Airfield Lane/taxiways near the FBO. Both projects will greatly improve our safety and security at KLVJ.

Gates 1 and 3 are being replaced with new motorized gates and gate 2 will remain as is. We place a high value on securing the airport and our main gates are the key to ensuring a secure environment. The gate on CR 127 for T-Hangar access will be replaced with a motorized one as well. Our security is only as good as the weakest link and having an open manual gate 24/7 is NOT effective. A new motorized gate will be installed to strengthen our overall approach to security.

Safety signage will also be added to critical points around the airport. Stop signs will be placed at every gate, in addition to signs warning drivers about the "aircraft right of way" on all roads. Additionally, "Unauthorized Vehicles Not Allowed past this point" signs will be installed to ensure that no vehicles enter areas where they do not belong.

While crews are working on the gates, they will also complete the removal of the overhead power lines adjacent to the FBO. These lines will be redirected underground and improved to provide adequate and sustainable power to the various buildings along Airfield Lane. This has been one of the top items on my list for a very long time. Removing the dangerous and outdated overhead lines will make the entire area safer, and ease pilot concerns about taxiing down Airfield Lane. Safer ground ops, and the ability for helicopters to safely navigate the area, improves the quality of life for us all.

This project has been a huge step forward for Pearland Regional and I appreciate everyone's efforts to help see us across the finish line! Stay tuned for more information about this, and future projects!

As always, please stop by my office or give me a call if you have any questions, concerns, or great ideas. 

Safe flying, 

Adam Arceneaux
Airport Manager


The Bay Area Aero Club is sponsoring another efficiency race.  

What is an efficiency race? Pilots must plan a flight, determine their time enroute and fuel burn, then fly the course.  The winner is the one who gets closest to their time and fuel burn.  

When: August 25, 8:00am - 2:00pm

Where: Pearland Regional FBO

17622 Airfield Lane, Pearland, TX 77588

All pilots welcome to visit and compete. For more information visit their webpage


As mentioned in the last newsletter, during the improvement project we were notified that the old taxiway designations did not comply with FAA regulations. 

Below is a map showing the updated taxiway designations. Click the image to see a larger version.

New signs at every intersection should help everyone learn the new designations. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at (281) 482-7551.



Visit the Land for Sale page on our website or download the brochure to see the reduced sale price on the remaining lots. 

Pearland Regional Airport is offering a rare opportunity to own property at a growing, privately-owned airport! There are currently four lots available, ranging in size from 10,300 square feet to 4.8 acres.  All lots have direct airfield access and can be developed for private or commercial use.